


Known for his smooth and rhythmic gaits, Thunderstruck excels in dressage, effortlessly executing precise movements with a grace that captivates onlookers. His training and discipline are evident in every step, making him a favorite among riders who appreciate both performance and beauty.

Despite his imposing size, Thunderstruck has a gentle and affectionate nature. He forms strong bonds with his rider and caretakers, displaying a willingness to please and a calm demeanor. His affectionate nickers and soulful eyes reveal a horse with a kind heart and a deep connection to those around him.

Whether gracefully navigating a dressage arena or leisurely strolling through the fields, Thunderstruck embodies the symbiotic relationship between rider and horse. His regal presence and warm personality make him not only a remarkable competitor in the equestrian world but also a beloved companion and partner in equine adventures.

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    Thunderstruck is a majestic black Friesian gelding with a flowing mane and a striking presence. Standing at 17 hands high, he commands attention with his powerful build and expressive, intelligent eyes. Thunderstruck possesses a combination of strength and elegance that is characteristic of the Friesian breed.